Aristotle, Politics

 Aristotle, Politics

• Aristotle's philosophy is going, process, not given
• You need to be responsible and participate the public life. It is a
virtuous act
• Polis: participation; oikos: household, production
• Man is a political animal
○ Telos is happiness, happiness is possible with a city, leisure and social interaction in a polis, as a part of the city
• The goal of the city is to help each citizen achieve happiness ○ By free exercising of speculative reasoning
• Master and slave; soul and body; rational duties and menial duties
• Art of acquisition: natural and unnatural
○ Natural: securing of food, shelter and other necessities ○ Unnatural: accumulation of money
"Man is, by nature, a political animal." Our telos, end goal is happiness. However, it is only possible in the borders of a city. As we actively participate in public life as a part of the polis, we can achieve happiness. Actually it is the goal of the city. He likens the relationship between master and slave to soul/ration and body in which the former has a command of the latter.

Keywords: virtue, polis, political life, participation, responsibility, citizen, master, slave, soul, body, oikos, household, art of acquisition, production, accumulation